Одоогоор мэдэгдэл алга байна

Huawei Technologies LLC

  • Ажлын байрны зар
  • Манай компани
  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл

Identify high-value partners around the business and establish a good cooperative relationship with them to promote the establishment and deepening of high-level partnerships with partners; Build a cooperative ecological chain, undertake SOURCING and analysis, business development and negotiation in the field of cooperation, lead the review and signing of cooperation agreements, etc., and be responsible for APP listing, integration & service related works. Responsible for the management of important partnerships in the ecological & service development department, the establishment and maintenance of high-level dialogue mechanisms, and the implementation of important cooperation projects; Responsible for the construction and improvement of the cooperative business operation process system of the ecological & Service development department, ensure the standardized operation of the cooperative business operation. Pull in internal and external resources, continuously improve the satisfaction of partners, strengthen the brand promotion of the cooperative business, and enhance the industry status.

Product manager

Support sales teams to develop competitive strategy including strategic business model, feasible action plan, and execution to achieve sales target. Perform market and competitor analysis, and develop competitive solutions and strategy roadmap to effectively market Core Network products. Participate in project bidding for mobile network projects; involved in network designing, equipment dimensioning, quotation, technical proposal write-up, SOC, contract negotiation & documentation, etc…. Deliver the technical presentation to customers and participate in presale activities such as workshops and product demonstrations.

Office Administrator

Assist with Facilities Management; coordinate with landlord - booking loading dock etc. Coordinate during relocation projects, staff moves, meeting room management Handling all incoming shipping for the office – coordinating with other offices/Procurement as required Addressing employee complaints/concerns Reception duties, including internal (from other Huawei offices) and external visitor access control and registration Office supply order and distribution Maintain office operational services, including coffee/water service, plant service, first aid and office cleaning service, etc. Office admin document filing and updating Mailing service, including receiving and sending both domestic and international mails and shipment Responsible for transportation management 

TAX Manager

Be responsible for tax calculation and filing of the Mongolia subsidiary, prepare and submit tax return accurately and timely, including but not limited to VAT, RCVAT, CIT, WHT, WVAT, and other tax compliance operations; Be responsible for the daily disclosure of data and documents to the tax authority, and proactively participate in the development and implementation of tax compliance assessment and improvement plans; Be responsible for End-to-End tax dispute management, including tax audit response, on-site tax audit, negotiation, and tax audit closure as well as improvement solution implementation; Fully involve in routine communication with tax authorities and be responsible to support company obtain the tax certainty; Proactively conduct insights into the tax environment, tax code change, and tax audit trends of a single country, forecast, and manage contingency plans, and resolve tax disputes in advance, support the implementation of tax solutions; Tax cash flow forecast, and tax asset management for efficient use of the asset; Support yearly accounting statutory audit; Be familiar with and comply with corporate tax processes and policies, and ensure the adaptation and implementation of the Group's overall solution in a single country.

Худалдааны зөвлөх

Бараа бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл болон хямдрал урамшууллын мэдээллийг цаг тухайд нь хэрэглэгчдэд танилцуулах, борлуулах Байгууллагын борлуулалтын төлөвлөгөөг бүрэн ханган ажиллах Салбар дэлгүүрийн барааны өрөлт, өнгө үзэмжийг тогтмол хянах сайжруулах Салбарын бусад ажилчидтай нягт уялдаж ажиллах Хэрэглэгчдийн санал хүсэлтийг цуглуулж санал хүсэлтээ маркетинг болон борлуулалтын ажилтнуудад дамжуулах


Responsible for outsourcing organization construction, manpower, planning, configuration principle formulation, appraisal, incentive, management on employees sales and production, capability, personnel closed loop management, operation data application of retail systems and management on the related expenses. Responsible for field force management, salary & bonus management. All day to day issues related with human field force managing. When new product for sell, retail manager will be responsible for its training to customers promoters. Responsible for internal external field force (FF) training, lecturer management, course customization and development, management on training projects, training assessment, excellent case publicity, and management on the related expenses. Responsible for shop construction, shop in shop, brand store, POSM etc..  Minimum 2 times in a week retail manager need to do shop check trough random 8-10 shops from customers and send its report on every Friday


Responsible for outsourcing organization construction, manpower, planning, configuration principle formulation, appraisal, incentive, management on employees sales and production, capability, personnel closed loop management, operation data application of retail systems and management on the related expenses. Responsible for field force management, salary & bonus management. All day to day issues related with human field force managing. When new product for sell, retail manager will be responsible for its training to customers promoters. Responsible for internal external field force (FF) training, lecturer management, course customization and development, management on training projects, training assessment, excellent case publicity, and management on the related expenses. Responsible for shop construction, shop in shop, brand store, POSM etc..  Minimum 2 times in a week retail manager need to do shop check trough random 8-10 shops from customers and send its report on every Friday

Сэргээгдэх эрчим хүчний инженер

1.Huawei-ийн хэрэгжиж буй PV+ESS төслийн техникийн дэмжлэг үзүүлэх, техникийн зураг төслийн баримт бичгийг боловсруулах, туслан гүйцэтгэгчдийн техникийн болон төслийн ерөнхий зохицуулалтыг хариуцна. 2.Төслийн багийн гишүүний хувьд янз бүрийн төсөл боловсруулах, чанарын баталгаа гаргах, холбогдох техникийн тайлангуудыг бэлтгэх, төслийн тогтвортой байдал, хэрэгжилтэд дэмжлэг үзүүлэх болно. 3. Шаардлагатай бол төслийн менежер, удирдлагын багт тайлагнах, мэргэжлийн ур чадвар, үр ашигтай байдал, хувийн харилцаа холбоо, үзэмжтэй байдал, бие даасан дүгнэлт, санаачлага зэрэг өндөр стандартыг хадгална.  

Procurement specialist

Overall Responsible for managing from Procurement to Payment process, result-oriented to support office requirements and project delivery (1) Shall be responsible for searching and analyzing excellent suppliers (2) Shall be assisted with supplier selection by formulating different strategies in different cases (3) Shall manage country procurement request deal with the long-term supplier relationship management and development (4) Work closely with the project team to monitor supplier performance and resolve delivery issues, manage the deliverables (5) Be familiar with market benchmarks, be able to analyze the competition status and trend, and understand basic international and local laws and regulations (6) Any other task(s) that may be assigned from time to time

Холбоо барих

Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Баянгол дүүрэг, Баянгол дүүрэг, 2-р хороо, Үндсэн хуулийн гудамж-24, Рокмон бюлдинг-409

Фэйсбүүк хуудас

Монголын иргэн бүрд ажлын байр!.


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